Come As You Are
Come As You Are Podcast
Oh Say Can You See?

Oh Say Can You See?

On spell-breaking endings and true love

This is a talk about the relief that comes with seeing things as they are, instead of clinging to a version of reality we wish was unfolding. Sometimes we work really hard not to see the truth of our own feelings, or the truth of someone else’s feelings or the situation we’re in, because if we see it, things will have to change or we will have to change, or maybe we’re walking straight into heartbreak. It’s also a talk about words and their definitions, and how sometimes we use the same words, but we mean very different things.


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Come As You Are
Come As You Are Podcast
How much do childhood wounds shape who we become? What does it mean to heal? How can you be a deeply feeling person in this world and not lose your mind? We'll get into all of that and more. Thanks for spending some time with me.
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Ally Hamilton