A talk about what we’re living through in the United States right now, and how dizzying it is for so many of us who are devastated, outraged and heartbroken, to see people in this country who are still on board with what is occurring in real time. It is hard to exist, to have a “normal” day going about your business when your government is in upheaval, democracy is on the line, and you’re scared for your friends, your neighbors, your daughter, yourself. It’s also a talk about empathy, and what a meaningful spiritual practice looks like. If you can see people in harms’ way and shrug your shoulders thinking you are practicing non-attachment, or because you’ve decided some people fall outside the circle of compassion - I’d argue your spiritual practice needs a serious tweak.

Come As You Are Podcast
How much do childhood wounds shape who we become? What does it mean to heal? How can you be a deeply feeling person in this world and not lose your mind? We'll get into all of that and more. Thanks for spending some time with me.
How much do childhood wounds shape who we become? What does it mean to heal? How can you be a deeply feeling person in this world and not lose your mind? We'll get into all of that and more. Thanks for spending some time with me.Listen on
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