I had the same reaction to the video from Idaho. And the people in the room cheering. Our great-grandkids will ask what we were doing during this time. Thanks for speaking truth to power, Ally. I’m right there with you.
I think about that a lot, lately. The grandkids thing. Definitely want to feel like I’m doing everything possible, but nothing really feels like enough in the face of this insanity. Thanks for being here, Holly. Always appreciate you ❤️🩹🙏🏼
I get the whole nothing feels like enough thing. But a whole lot of little things for a whole lot of people is the only way any dial is gonna move. I appreciate you too, Ally!
That video, my God. And no one doing a damn thing!! The way I would have spider monkey jumped on their backs with all my perimenopausal rage and Mike Tyson’d some ears!
I'm reading this and I'm stressed and I've been wondering myself what to write--do I unleash hell about what's going on or do I need a fucking break from it? (I do.) But this is real and needs to be said and nobody says it better than you. You're a sword-wielding goddess.
Dang. I am going to conjure that image next time I am feeling like shit 🥷🏼⚔️but with a little 🐦🔥too. Thank you, Wendy. I need breaks, too, and I take them. I think we all do right now, it’s an onslaught. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you ♥️🙏🏼 and this entire comments section. You all are my heart, and when I am feeling overwhelmed, or too much despair and not enough hope, this is where I come ❤️🔥 Hugs and love.
Ally, I don’t know how you continue to write so brilliantly about all the things that matter while the world is imploding around us, but thank goddess you do. All I am able to accomplish with my voice right now is screaming, so thank you for putting together actual words that mean something. You are amazing, and I am grateful. 💙
Thank you so much, Katrina. I go through about fifty thousand incarnations a day, or at least that’s how it feels. I have moments where I want to get on my hands and knees and pound my fists into the dirt like a madwoman because I cannot believe this is what we’re doing. Or I want to shake my fists at the sky and run barefoot through the streets screaming at people and also laughing maniacally because this is all so insane and too many people are like, GOING TO STARBUCKS. But then I have moments where I am actually laughing because these men who are running our government are PATHETIC. Truly. Gold Card Memberships?!? And they deserve our derision and contempt and whatever snark and scathing sarcasm we can muster. And then sometimes I just sit on my couch and cry. So I thank you for your very kind comments. I think writing helps me figure out how I feel or how to make any kind of sense of anything. And it’s pretty much the greatest thing ever that it helps anyone else. Sending you so much love during these insane times. Thank you for being here, I appreciate you SO MUCH ♥️♥️
But Ally, are you SURE sure being thrown in zip tie cuffs and dragged from the room while being belittled over a microphone by an asshole isn’t just swift and appropriate punishment for one who mouths off to the boss in public? (Before anyone jumps all over me— this is sarcasm)
I mean, believe me, if she shows up in the comments to defend the sheriff, I won’t be surprised lol. I didn’t screenshot that absurdity because I didn’t want to amplify her, but do you know she ended up “liking” my last response to her?! wtf even is that, Kate? People still supporting this regime make my head hurt. That’s putting it lightly, obviously, but I don’t assume anything is obvious anymore. Love youuuuuuu.
Fist bump from Chicago, Ally. Have been reading up on how to deal with ICE agents if they come into a business or board public trans in my presence. Certainly can’t count on anyone else to say something, best prepare for it to be me.
Same, Eileen. It’s all infuriating and heartbreaking and wrong. And I think this is one of the things we should be doing, trying to prepare mentally for what to do if something happens in our presence. Which feels likelier all the time. The people walking around like everything is cool right now astound me. It’s a parallel universe. Grateful as ever we’re in the same timeline, fucked as it is. You’re the best.
I'm furious no one stepped in to physically defend that lady in Idaho. I'm no hero and I know what it feels like to be beat to the point that I think I may die, but three random guys attacking a women means it's go time. I'd likely be injured and arrested, but there's no way just going to stand there and watch that happen. What if it was me being attacked? The local police hired an undercover "security" team? JFC.
I know, Cabot, I felt physically sick watching that. And I’m so with you. I understand bystander syndrome. I’ve been in situations in public where something shitty is happening by anyone’s standards and no one does anything. People freeze. But once you’ve been on the wrong end of that equation where you are the person needing help and no one is helping, I think you know when to act. I think it would have taken one person to jump in and probably three or four more would have joined. Instead the whole room watched her being overpowered and dragged out. Terrifying. Seems LEAR Asset Management lost their business license because of this incident (assault), but I guess they have 10 days to appeal. I hope the sheriff is brought up on charges, too. And Ed can go fuck himself. He didn’t write back to my email. Shocker.
High stakes living is here to stay, I'm afraid. And I am afraid for those I care about that are much more vulnerable than I. Sharing support and risk is the only way we're gonna persevere. Time to remember what makes us human.
I heard that, too. I think he was sitting to her right, and cooperated at first when they told him to move, and then tried to step in to help her later. I didn’t hear that he was arrested, though. Not that it surprises me. I heard they removed him in zip ties, but then I couldn’t confirm any of that anywhere. The way this is being reported by some of the news outlets is concerning and sadly unsurprising. The applauding and cheering was bone chilling.
It really was. Even here in Australia I am finding it quite nauseating. Every day it just seems to get worse - hard to believe there are people who think it is OK to flout the laws, give power to those who have no experience or right to be in such positions and are so self-serving.
Great read! Feel the need to clarify that menopause is actually one day, one year, no blood. The rest of what we go through is peri or post. But menopause by definition is “one day” and most folks still don’t understand that, literally.
Liz! That is so insane lol. See what I’m saying? I did not know that until you said it, then I went and looked it up. And it’s not like I haven’t been reading about perimenopause and menopause a LOT and talking to my doctor and my girlfriends, etc. I knew menopause happened after you hadn’t had your period for a year. I did NOT know it lasted one day, and then after that you were considered post-menopausal. How freaking weird. It’s like Mayflies. And you don’t even get to know the day. You can’t even take yourself out for a drink or something. Thanks for sharing that, I’m grateful you enjoyed the essay, and that you’re here ♥️ Welcome.
Yea, as a 49 year old in the throes of peri with a mom and step mom that “had no symptoms”, I’m on the information train. I’m about to publish my own essay on my involuntary entry into the five am club - no Gweneth, this isn’t making me feel ahead of the world, but exhausted by 8:30pm.
Hi Ally, I had a fairly long comment written last Friday and my phone died and I got pissed off lol and was rushing to meet a friend for a pizza so only got back today.
It obviously isn't essential for me to comment, but I always try, I guess it's "polite" and I also like to keep our streak going as it was some variant of Duolingo lol.
My friend Christy from USA who had her contract terminated messaged me over the weekend and apologised for America and she said something like "please know most of us don't agree with this". It felt really sad that she had to state that even though it's obvious who is and isn't for that shit show. Like I know very well how you feel about that!
And I guess that's also partially the reason why I comment here. I want you to know I understand how you feel about it all and really we all need a space to vent and connect. I recently read something in book I'm reading that world is essentially unknowable and our interpretation of reality is limited and quite personal, but still, we all seek some framework for our senses. And I quite love being here and keep my vision in check. Funnily a thought occurred to me that many years ago I fell in love with rock music with female leaders / vocalists (well, Anneke is named after one!) and it turns out, I also kind of prefer women writers. Really not sure how it all happened that men got everything so much about power as if there were no other values to build the world around.
Anyway, as always, thank you for your words. I love the space here.
Hahaha. Our own personal Duolingo. Works for me. Sorry your phone died, I’ve had that kind of day today. I wanted to throw my phone before. I didn’t because yoga. But I wanted to. Don’t ever feel pressure though, I’ll never think it’s rude if you don’t comment, though I always enjoy your thoughts. I like to hope most people understand not everyone in a country is going to be happy about the country’s leadership, and not every country has great ways for its people to fight back when things go terribly awry. And they have gone terribly awry here. This is the most awry things can go before they are just fucked beyond all recognition. Many of us are walking around beside ourselves. So thank you for understanding that and thank you for respecting and appreciating women and being a good dad and yeah. All that. See you next time, stay safe out there! Streak maintained 😉
I may start throwing cantaloupes, Mary Beth. It feels as sane as anything else. Glad you’re scheduling your mammogram, though. Sending you loads of love. So grateful you’re here ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
Good points thank you- I am stunned the “town hall” attendees- not one! - did not energize to come to this woman’s aid when clearly she was being physically assaulted. Admittedly she disrupted the meeting, but WTH?Who are these people? Is this who we live amongst and next to? Sycophantic cowards? Sheeple?
She really was no more disruptive than anyone else there. It’s a town hall, people were cheering and clapping and calling things out that were positive, and people were calling things out that were not positive. It was only the dissenters who were berated. And another woman was escorted out of a town hall in Tennessee on Friday by two law enforcement officers, for asking a question. No one intervened on her behalf, either. They’re testing now to see if we’ll tolerate this. I don’t know if our generation just hasn’t experienced sit-ins or we’re dealing with bystander syndrome or what. But I agree, there’s no way I could watch that happen and not try to help. We need to remember what it looks like to link arms and sit down. Thanks for being here, Wendy ❤️🔥
Actually, no, it’s not even one Republican who cares. The one Republican who voted no allegedly did so because he didn’t think the cuts were enough, he wanted more. That how f’d up it all is. I can’t stand it anymore. Tonight I was simply sobbing as I changed for bed. I’ve lost hope. My faith. I feel like a trapped animal. Today was a tough one. I’m not sure there’s any way it’ll get better. We’ve turned the corner.
I so feel you, Elle. I was talking to my mom’s best friend in France a few hours ago. He told me things are going to change dramatically now with our relationships on the world stage, not that it’s a surprise to anyone here, or any kind of intel. He just has a different perspective because he’s there. His brother works in the government in France at a very high level, and he said everyone was just gobsmacked watching that debacle earlier, and that horror show did more to bring the EU together than anyone could have if they’d tried. And that it’s now clear to our Allies that the U.S. government has shifted positions and policies, and they really can’t see a way things will shift back anytime soon.
I’m looking so hard for reasons to have hope. I know the court cases are slowing things down, but there’s no one who’s going to enforce them. I don’t know. I’m not giving up, but I am really trying to figure out how we fight this in any way that has a chance of working. And I know it isn’t one thing, it’s many things and all of us doing them, but I’m also feeling pretty beat up.
And I’ll edit that line about Tom Massie. I thought I’d seen a clip where he was talking about how this budget was adding to the deficit and also putting Medicaid in jeopardy, but now all I am finding are the deficit clips. So, yeah, make that zero Republican senators who care. How they look their kids in the eye is beyond me. I hope you get some sleep. I’m sending you hugs and love, this was a very tough day. Hopefully a good night of sleep will help us both ❤️🩹❤️🩹
Wow!! I had not heard about that video but I’m seeing red… like flaming fired up! I’m going to watch it and get even angrier. I don’t even want to be this angry all the time. Or at all. But here we are. I feel like we are one or two passed bills away from becoming Gilead. To say these are terrifying times is an understatement.
On a lighter note (yet also heavier and denser note), I had to laugh at your mammogram story only because of how much I relate. I have also begun the joy that is perimenopause. Both my paternal grandmother and great aunt died from Breast Cancer so I have to have regular mammograms. I also have dense hooters, only the first time I had one and they weren’t happy with the quality of the images, they didn’t give me an ultrasound. They just made me come back for further imaging and the tech flopped them into a hundred different positions. Who knew that was even possible. She squished those plates down so hard, my eyes watered, then she adjusted the settings to about seventeen different angles. I have seriously contemplated having the gals preemptively lopped off. Being a woman is soooo much fun. But hey — at least we have our rights. Oh wait. We have rights for now. Under his eye. 🙄🤐😤
Yeah, I sure hope that was the last of that particular technologist I’ll be seeing. Though I wish her well. I wish all of us well. And may the lord open. And may “the lord” be a portal to a dimension where we can send these fucktastic beasts straight to hell because I’ve had it. 47 and all his disgusting cohorts can burn for all eternity, and may everyone who thinks they’re fantastic feel free to join them! The horrifying Oval Office reality tv show earlier today hath done me in.
May the lord open… a portal they all fall into and may their hell be an alternate universe where women have all the power and rake them through the coals. I hope they feel embarrassed and ashamed and emasculated. No more penis pills for them. It's not health care. I’m pretty sure for a select few of them, it shouldn't even be legal to have penises! Where is June when we need her?!
All joking(sort-of) aside, I feel like I should do more, talking and writing about it is not enough but I don't even know where to start. Did you get any feedback from the calls and emails you made?
Powerful, and I'll never get over how you talk about nurse Ratchet making me guffaw suddenly, and end up where you did. So much wrapped into one piece, and it's not just about the writing - it's about your heart and sense of justice. I appreciate this piece and all the others, and you.
Thank you so much, Laury. I’m glad you guffawed, we all need some of those right now! And I really appreciate your kind words. I felt all that right in my heart and I thank you. I’m very grateful you’re here. Sending you love and hugs ❤️
I had the same reaction to the video from Idaho. And the people in the room cheering. Our great-grandkids will ask what we were doing during this time. Thanks for speaking truth to power, Ally. I’m right there with you.
I think about that a lot, lately. The grandkids thing. Definitely want to feel like I’m doing everything possible, but nothing really feels like enough in the face of this insanity. Thanks for being here, Holly. Always appreciate you ❤️🩹🙏🏼
I get the whole nothing feels like enough thing. But a whole lot of little things for a whole lot of people is the only way any dial is gonna move. I appreciate you too, Ally!
That video, my God. And no one doing a damn thing!! The way I would have spider monkey jumped on their backs with all my perimenopausal rage and Mike Tyson’d some ears!
With you. Perimenopausal rage is real and useful. And allllll of this is hard to take.
I'm reading this and I'm stressed and I've been wondering myself what to write--do I unleash hell about what's going on or do I need a fucking break from it? (I do.) But this is real and needs to be said and nobody says it better than you. You're a sword-wielding goddess.
Dang. I am going to conjure that image next time I am feeling like shit 🥷🏼⚔️but with a little 🐦🔥too. Thank you, Wendy. I need breaks, too, and I take them. I think we all do right now, it’s an onslaught. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you ♥️🙏🏼 and this entire comments section. You all are my heart, and when I am feeling overwhelmed, or too much despair and not enough hope, this is where I come ❤️🔥 Hugs and love.
You’re a brilliant writer and an even better person. Hugs and love right back.
Thank you so much, Wendy. Back at you 🥹♥️
Ally, I don’t know how you continue to write so brilliantly about all the things that matter while the world is imploding around us, but thank goddess you do. All I am able to accomplish with my voice right now is screaming, so thank you for putting together actual words that mean something. You are amazing, and I am grateful. 💙
Thank you so much, Katrina. I go through about fifty thousand incarnations a day, or at least that’s how it feels. I have moments where I want to get on my hands and knees and pound my fists into the dirt like a madwoman because I cannot believe this is what we’re doing. Or I want to shake my fists at the sky and run barefoot through the streets screaming at people and also laughing maniacally because this is all so insane and too many people are like, GOING TO STARBUCKS. But then I have moments where I am actually laughing because these men who are running our government are PATHETIC. Truly. Gold Card Memberships?!? And they deserve our derision and contempt and whatever snark and scathing sarcasm we can muster. And then sometimes I just sit on my couch and cry. So I thank you for your very kind comments. I think writing helps me figure out how I feel or how to make any kind of sense of anything. And it’s pretty much the greatest thing ever that it helps anyone else. Sending you so much love during these insane times. Thank you for being here, I appreciate you SO MUCH ♥️♥️
I second this!
But Ally, are you SURE sure being thrown in zip tie cuffs and dragged from the room while being belittled over a microphone by an asshole isn’t just swift and appropriate punishment for one who mouths off to the boss in public? (Before anyone jumps all over me— this is sarcasm)
Sigh. I’m exhausted. White women are exhausting.
I mean, believe me, if she shows up in the comments to defend the sheriff, I won’t be surprised lol. I didn’t screenshot that absurdity because I didn’t want to amplify her, but do you know she ended up “liking” my last response to her?! wtf even is that, Kate? People still supporting this regime make my head hurt. That’s putting it lightly, obviously, but I don’t assume anything is obvious anymore. Love youuuuuuu.
Absurd. My skin hurts. My teeth ache. I’m eating my feelings and they’re ravenous. How is anyone doing this?
Fist bump from Chicago, Ally. Have been reading up on how to deal with ICE agents if they come into a business or board public trans in my presence. Certainly can’t count on anyone else to say something, best prepare for it to be me.
And that Idaho video, dear God. Insanity.
Same, Eileen. It’s all infuriating and heartbreaking and wrong. And I think this is one of the things we should be doing, trying to prepare mentally for what to do if something happens in our presence. Which feels likelier all the time. The people walking around like everything is cool right now astound me. It’s a parallel universe. Grateful as ever we’re in the same timeline, fucked as it is. You’re the best.
I will fight beside you any day, Ally.
That’s really all I need to have my day made. Thank you, Tabitha ❤️🔥🙏🏼
I'm furious no one stepped in to physically defend that lady in Idaho. I'm no hero and I know what it feels like to be beat to the point that I think I may die, but three random guys attacking a women means it's go time. I'd likely be injured and arrested, but there's no way just going to stand there and watch that happen. What if it was me being attacked? The local police hired an undercover "security" team? JFC.
I know, Cabot, I felt physically sick watching that. And I’m so with you. I understand bystander syndrome. I’ve been in situations in public where something shitty is happening by anyone’s standards and no one does anything. People freeze. But once you’ve been on the wrong end of that equation where you are the person needing help and no one is helping, I think you know when to act. I think it would have taken one person to jump in and probably three or four more would have joined. Instead the whole room watched her being overpowered and dragged out. Terrifying. Seems LEAR Asset Management lost their business license because of this incident (assault), but I guess they have 10 days to appeal. I hope the sheriff is brought up on charges, too. And Ed can go fuck himself. He didn’t write back to my email. Shocker.
High stakes living is here to stay, I'm afraid. And I am afraid for those I care about that are much more vulnerable than I. Sharing support and risk is the only way we're gonna persevere. Time to remember what makes us human.
They didn't just sit there and watch her being assaulted - some clapped and cheered! Those are the kind of folks I don't want to share my oxygen with.
I believe an older man did step in but he was arrested too 🙁 I was appalled that people were applauding!
I heard that, too. I think he was sitting to her right, and cooperated at first when they told him to move, and then tried to step in to help her later. I didn’t hear that he was arrested, though. Not that it surprises me. I heard they removed him in zip ties, but then I couldn’t confirm any of that anywhere. The way this is being reported by some of the news outlets is concerning and sadly unsurprising. The applauding and cheering was bone chilling.
It really was. Even here in Australia I am finding it quite nauseating. Every day it just seems to get worse - hard to believe there are people who think it is OK to flout the laws, give power to those who have no experience or right to be in such positions and are so self-serving.
It’s a reality tv show. It’s unbelievable and horrifying 😞
Good insight 😌 Can i translate this article into Spanish with links to you and a description of your newsletter?
Of course, Salvador, I would love that ❤️ Muchas gracias 🙏🏼
Great read! Feel the need to clarify that menopause is actually one day, one year, no blood. The rest of what we go through is peri or post. But menopause by definition is “one day” and most folks still don’t understand that, literally.
Liz! That is so insane lol. See what I’m saying? I did not know that until you said it, then I went and looked it up. And it’s not like I haven’t been reading about perimenopause and menopause a LOT and talking to my doctor and my girlfriends, etc. I knew menopause happened after you hadn’t had your period for a year. I did NOT know it lasted one day, and then after that you were considered post-menopausal. How freaking weird. It’s like Mayflies. And you don’t even get to know the day. You can’t even take yourself out for a drink or something. Thanks for sharing that, I’m grateful you enjoyed the essay, and that you’re here ♥️ Welcome.
Yea, as a 49 year old in the throes of peri with a mom and step mom that “had no symptoms”, I’m on the information train. I’m about to publish my own essay on my involuntary entry into the five am club - no Gweneth, this isn’t making me feel ahead of the world, but exhausted by 8:30pm.
Hi Ally, I had a fairly long comment written last Friday and my phone died and I got pissed off lol and was rushing to meet a friend for a pizza so only got back today.
It obviously isn't essential for me to comment, but I always try, I guess it's "polite" and I also like to keep our streak going as it was some variant of Duolingo lol.
My friend Christy from USA who had her contract terminated messaged me over the weekend and apologised for America and she said something like "please know most of us don't agree with this". It felt really sad that she had to state that even though it's obvious who is and isn't for that shit show. Like I know very well how you feel about that!
And I guess that's also partially the reason why I comment here. I want you to know I understand how you feel about it all and really we all need a space to vent and connect. I recently read something in book I'm reading that world is essentially unknowable and our interpretation of reality is limited and quite personal, but still, we all seek some framework for our senses. And I quite love being here and keep my vision in check. Funnily a thought occurred to me that many years ago I fell in love with rock music with female leaders / vocalists (well, Anneke is named after one!) and it turns out, I also kind of prefer women writers. Really not sure how it all happened that men got everything so much about power as if there were no other values to build the world around.
Anyway, as always, thank you for your words. I love the space here.
Namaste 🙏
Hahaha. Our own personal Duolingo. Works for me. Sorry your phone died, I’ve had that kind of day today. I wanted to throw my phone before. I didn’t because yoga. But I wanted to. Don’t ever feel pressure though, I’ll never think it’s rude if you don’t comment, though I always enjoy your thoughts. I like to hope most people understand not everyone in a country is going to be happy about the country’s leadership, and not every country has great ways for its people to fight back when things go terribly awry. And they have gone terribly awry here. This is the most awry things can go before they are just fucked beyond all recognition. Many of us are walking around beside ourselves. So thank you for understanding that and thank you for respecting and appreciating women and being a good dad and yeah. All that. See you next time, stay safe out there! Streak maintained 😉
Fuck yeah. Peeled canteloupes and a friendly reminder to schedule a mammo. Love every word.❤️🔥
I may start throwing cantaloupes, Mary Beth. It feels as sane as anything else. Glad you’re scheduling your mammogram, though. Sending you loads of love. So grateful you’re here ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
Good points thank you- I am stunned the “town hall” attendees- not one! - did not energize to come to this woman’s aid when clearly she was being physically assaulted. Admittedly she disrupted the meeting, but WTH?Who are these people? Is this who we live amongst and next to? Sycophantic cowards? Sheeple?
She really was no more disruptive than anyone else there. It’s a town hall, people were cheering and clapping and calling things out that were positive, and people were calling things out that were not positive. It was only the dissenters who were berated. And another woman was escorted out of a town hall in Tennessee on Friday by two law enforcement officers, for asking a question. No one intervened on her behalf, either. They’re testing now to see if we’ll tolerate this. I don’t know if our generation just hasn’t experienced sit-ins or we’re dealing with bystander syndrome or what. But I agree, there’s no way I could watch that happen and not try to help. We need to remember what it looks like to link arms and sit down. Thanks for being here, Wendy ❤️🔥
Actually, no, it’s not even one Republican who cares. The one Republican who voted no allegedly did so because he didn’t think the cuts were enough, he wanted more. That how f’d up it all is. I can’t stand it anymore. Tonight I was simply sobbing as I changed for bed. I’ve lost hope. My faith. I feel like a trapped animal. Today was a tough one. I’m not sure there’s any way it’ll get better. We’ve turned the corner.
I so feel you, Elle. I was talking to my mom’s best friend in France a few hours ago. He told me things are going to change dramatically now with our relationships on the world stage, not that it’s a surprise to anyone here, or any kind of intel. He just has a different perspective because he’s there. His brother works in the government in France at a very high level, and he said everyone was just gobsmacked watching that debacle earlier, and that horror show did more to bring the EU together than anyone could have if they’d tried. And that it’s now clear to our Allies that the U.S. government has shifted positions and policies, and they really can’t see a way things will shift back anytime soon.
I’m looking so hard for reasons to have hope. I know the court cases are slowing things down, but there’s no one who’s going to enforce them. I don’t know. I’m not giving up, but I am really trying to figure out how we fight this in any way that has a chance of working. And I know it isn’t one thing, it’s many things and all of us doing them, but I’m also feeling pretty beat up.
And I’ll edit that line about Tom Massie. I thought I’d seen a clip where he was talking about how this budget was adding to the deficit and also putting Medicaid in jeopardy, but now all I am finding are the deficit clips. So, yeah, make that zero Republican senators who care. How they look their kids in the eye is beyond me. I hope you get some sleep. I’m sending you hugs and love, this was a very tough day. Hopefully a good night of sleep will help us both ❤️🩹❤️🩹
Wow!! I had not heard about that video but I’m seeing red… like flaming fired up! I’m going to watch it and get even angrier. I don’t even want to be this angry all the time. Or at all. But here we are. I feel like we are one or two passed bills away from becoming Gilead. To say these are terrifying times is an understatement.
On a lighter note (yet also heavier and denser note), I had to laugh at your mammogram story only because of how much I relate. I have also begun the joy that is perimenopause. Both my paternal grandmother and great aunt died from Breast Cancer so I have to have regular mammograms. I also have dense hooters, only the first time I had one and they weren’t happy with the quality of the images, they didn’t give me an ultrasound. They just made me come back for further imaging and the tech flopped them into a hundred different positions. Who knew that was even possible. She squished those plates down so hard, my eyes watered, then she adjusted the settings to about seventeen different angles. I have seriously contemplated having the gals preemptively lopped off. Being a woman is soooo much fun. But hey — at least we have our rights. Oh wait. We have rights for now. Under his eye. 🙄🤐😤
Yeah, I sure hope that was the last of that particular technologist I’ll be seeing. Though I wish her well. I wish all of us well. And may the lord open. And may “the lord” be a portal to a dimension where we can send these fucktastic beasts straight to hell because I’ve had it. 47 and all his disgusting cohorts can burn for all eternity, and may everyone who thinks they’re fantastic feel free to join them! The horrifying Oval Office reality tv show earlier today hath done me in.
PS.) If someone sees this and decides to put me in a camp and send me to the “showers” please know that I’m proud of you and I’m glad we met.
May the lord open… a portal they all fall into and may their hell be an alternate universe where women have all the power and rake them through the coals. I hope they feel embarrassed and ashamed and emasculated. No more penis pills for them. It's not health care. I’m pretty sure for a select few of them, it shouldn't even be legal to have penises! Where is June when we need her?!
All joking(sort-of) aside, I feel like I should do more, talking and writing about it is not enough but I don't even know where to start. Did you get any feedback from the calls and emails you made?
Powerful, and I'll never get over how you talk about nurse Ratchet making me guffaw suddenly, and end up where you did. So much wrapped into one piece, and it's not just about the writing - it's about your heart and sense of justice. I appreciate this piece and all the others, and you.
Thank you so much, Laury. I’m glad you guffawed, we all need some of those right now! And I really appreciate your kind words. I felt all that right in my heart and I thank you. I’m very grateful you’re here. Sending you love and hugs ❤️
I'll take those hugs. My heart's breaking today after the news cycle. Thank you
Holy, wow. ALL of this. Thank you.
Thank you for being here, Jazmine❤️