my favorite things about you are your kind heart and your ability to detect kindness in others. That Angelina story is priceless (like children’s drawings, which are the best drawings in the known universe).
We are currently living through the cruelest of shit shows. As a descendent of German Nazis, I know whereof I speak. Bu…
my favorite things about you are your kind heart and your ability to detect kindness in others. That Angelina story is priceless (like children’s drawings, which are the best drawings in the known universe).
We are currently living through the cruelest of shit shows. As a descendent of German Nazis, I know whereof I speak. But as the mother of a revolutionary, raised to question the status quo, I beg you to keep an open mind when it comes to third party voters. My wife, a civil rights attorney currently struggling to keep her trans clients safe, will not soon forgive my daughter for ‘throwing her vote away’ (not choosing was choosing/ same as voting for the monster itself).
But my Laura has spent much of her almost thirty years on this earth advocating for the wrongly imprisoned and marginalized who didn’t have a voice in the Biden/Harris administration, either. She could not, in good conscience, vote for a ticket funding genocide and making a sharp right turn to recruit voters (we, too, are tough on crime and immigration, and we carry guns to prove it). I have to believe that our children deserve radical (rather the in.. cre…men.. tal) change and that they will built something better out of the ashes. I have to believe that our children are smarter than we are.
I shall always keep an open mind, Helia, or do my best, I promise you. I know that people who stayed home did it because they were following their hearts and their own consciences, their moral convictions, and because they felt completely disenfranchised everywhere they looked. I do not doubt that for a second. We’re all doing our best in a world that has become far too harsh for most of us. And I have no doubt at all your Laura is magnificent. How could she not be with you as her mom?
I am simply so scared for so many people. I suppose I am now more afraid for people in every part of the world - Gaza - and everywhere else people are suffering, Ukraine, Syria, Uganda, Liberia, Sudan, Yemen…I mean, there are no shortage of places where people are in dire need of compassion. All the global aid the U.S. was instrumental in providing with our allies and partners - all the chaos and confusion now wrought by people with no empathy. And all the pain and suffering here. I can’t see how this will end up making things better, but maybe we’d gone beyond the point where that was going to happen without suffering just, everywhere. I am worried for us all. But if we had a cul-de-sac, I’d want your Laura there, and I’d greet her with open arms if she’s a hugger. If that makes any difference. Sending you so much love, Helia. As always ❤️
don't make me cry, now, Ally. I knew you get my bearcub-mom energy, and I think I had to write this to convince myself. we've had so many conversation about the lesser evil preserving her right to protest etc, and it has strained our relationship (which is the most important relationship in my life). I agree, the suffering all over this planet is much too much, and for what? greed and selfishness, it always comes down to. I'm so grateful to you and Eileen for providing spaces to restore our belief in (at least some of) humanity. Much, much love back to you and Laura is definitely a hugger. xoxo
Dearest Ally,
my favorite things about you are your kind heart and your ability to detect kindness in others. That Angelina story is priceless (like children’s drawings, which are the best drawings in the known universe).
We are currently living through the cruelest of shit shows. As a descendent of German Nazis, I know whereof I speak. But as the mother of a revolutionary, raised to question the status quo, I beg you to keep an open mind when it comes to third party voters. My wife, a civil rights attorney currently struggling to keep her trans clients safe, will not soon forgive my daughter for ‘throwing her vote away’ (not choosing was choosing/ same as voting for the monster itself).
But my Laura has spent much of her almost thirty years on this earth advocating for the wrongly imprisoned and marginalized who didn’t have a voice in the Biden/Harris administration, either. She could not, in good conscience, vote for a ticket funding genocide and making a sharp right turn to recruit voters (we, too, are tough on crime and immigration, and we carry guns to prove it). I have to believe that our children deserve radical (rather the in.. cre…men.. tal) change and that they will built something better out of the ashes. I have to believe that our children are smarter than we are.
I shall always keep an open mind, Helia, or do my best, I promise you. I know that people who stayed home did it because they were following their hearts and their own consciences, their moral convictions, and because they felt completely disenfranchised everywhere they looked. I do not doubt that for a second. We’re all doing our best in a world that has become far too harsh for most of us. And I have no doubt at all your Laura is magnificent. How could she not be with you as her mom?
I am simply so scared for so many people. I suppose I am now more afraid for people in every part of the world - Gaza - and everywhere else people are suffering, Ukraine, Syria, Uganda, Liberia, Sudan, Yemen…I mean, there are no shortage of places where people are in dire need of compassion. All the global aid the U.S. was instrumental in providing with our allies and partners - all the chaos and confusion now wrought by people with no empathy. And all the pain and suffering here. I can’t see how this will end up making things better, but maybe we’d gone beyond the point where that was going to happen without suffering just, everywhere. I am worried for us all. But if we had a cul-de-sac, I’d want your Laura there, and I’d greet her with open arms if she’s a hugger. If that makes any difference. Sending you so much love, Helia. As always ❤️
don't make me cry, now, Ally. I knew you get my bearcub-mom energy, and I think I had to write this to convince myself. we've had so many conversation about the lesser evil preserving her right to protest etc, and it has strained our relationship (which is the most important relationship in my life). I agree, the suffering all over this planet is much too much, and for what? greed and selfishness, it always comes down to. I'm so grateful to you and Eileen for providing spaces to restore our belief in (at least some of) humanity. Much, much love back to you and Laura is definitely a hugger. xoxo