Love this so much. Little Angelina. I would have had a hard time with that question in kinder, too. I have been thinking of you all in LA... my husband is rocking out to "FireAid" right now as I type. A lovely artist sang Long December which I used to sing to my bestie far away and "if you think you might come to California, I wish you w…
Love this so much. Little Angelina. I would have had a hard time with that question in kinder, too. I have been thinking of you all in LA... my husband is rocking out to "FireAid" right now as I type. A lovely artist sang Long December which I used to sing to my bestie far away and "if you think you might come to California, I wish you would, na na na na, na na na na na na na na na...." It got me in the feels. Anyway I get you, and I get Angelina, and I totally pray/chant/whatever when I hear sirens.
So strange, I responded to your comment last night, but my response has disappeared into the ether apparently, or I dreamt it, lol. I watched some of concert(s) and was really moved. It’s been exhausting and amazing and heartbreaking and heartening and all the things out here. So reassuring to see people showing up for each other, and it isn’t slowing down which is also good to see. The volunteer schedule for baby2baby came out for February at 6pm last night and all slots were filled by 9pm. Good stuff. My trunk is packed full of clothing donations.
I remind myself of these things when I start to feel hopeless. People are showing up and fighting back and trying to help each other, and it seems like we (those of us who are in agreement the world is not served by cruelty and chaos) are all praying for each other when we hear the sirens. And calling our senators and writing emails. Whatever it takes. Which is good because I think it’s going to take everything we’ve got. But also joy and laughter and at the very least, gallows humor and sarcasm. And great friends and books and all the other things that fill the tank. Anyway. I’m so glad you’re here, Mary Beth. And I’m sending you a lot of love ❤️
Love this so much. Little Angelina. I would have had a hard time with that question in kinder, too. I have been thinking of you all in LA... my husband is rocking out to "FireAid" right now as I type. A lovely artist sang Long December which I used to sing to my bestie far away and "if you think you might come to California, I wish you would, na na na na, na na na na na na na na na...." It got me in the feels. Anyway I get you, and I get Angelina, and I totally pray/chant/whatever when I hear sirens.
So strange, I responded to your comment last night, but my response has disappeared into the ether apparently, or I dreamt it, lol. I watched some of concert(s) and was really moved. It’s been exhausting and amazing and heartbreaking and heartening and all the things out here. So reassuring to see people showing up for each other, and it isn’t slowing down which is also good to see. The volunteer schedule for baby2baby came out for February at 6pm last night and all slots were filled by 9pm. Good stuff. My trunk is packed full of clothing donations.
I remind myself of these things when I start to feel hopeless. People are showing up and fighting back and trying to help each other, and it seems like we (those of us who are in agreement the world is not served by cruelty and chaos) are all praying for each other when we hear the sirens. And calling our senators and writing emails. Whatever it takes. Which is good because I think it’s going to take everything we’ve got. But also joy and laughter and at the very least, gallows humor and sarcasm. And great friends and books and all the other things that fill the tank. Anyway. I’m so glad you’re here, Mary Beth. And I’m sending you a lot of love ❤️