I love you, Ally. Every single fucking week. I just love you. Squirrel!

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I fucking love you, too, Nan! Thank you so much ❤️

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Just bloody beautiful. I love love what you do with words and memories. Just love it 🙏❤️❤️

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Oh Cathy, thank you so much. This one kind of poured out of me and that is always a joy ❤️

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I feel like I needed to read this today. Today is A Date for me, meaning there's an occasion some of my family members are celebrating, and they are celebrating it without me because the one family member who might have invited me to join them is someone I am purposely keeping my distance from because he causes me too much stress and angst otherwise. I've been feeling down about it but also trying to keep my spirits up by remembering how I've freed myself from his bullshit because of this boundary. I was writing in my journal about it, and I wrote how I can still see the way things between myself and this person used to be, and how I can see how they could be, if only... I guess I am learning to be a different version of myself in the story where this person does not exist.

We lose some things; we gain others. We grow. We keep going. Thanks so much for this.

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Not knowing anything about your situation, I’ll just say it’s so hard with family. It really breaks your heart but my feeling has always been if someone is consistently disrespectful or unkind or unwilling to understand your boundaries, there’s nothing you can do but protect yourself. I’m sorry you’re in that situation if you are, I’ve certainly been there many times and it hurts. Hugs and love.

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These words are the perfect reminder of what I needed to hear today, on so many levels. What else is there, indeed.

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I’m so happy this came at the right moment, Michele. I love when that happens. Hugs and love.

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Same here! I'm glad we both read this!

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I shit you not, the other day I was sitting outside in my apartment complex in Queens (we are blessed with beautiful green space and gardens), and I was bum rushed by a squirrel! I was minding my own damn business and little dude came running up on me all aggro. he was making those chittering sounds, and when he realized I wasn’t going to feed him, he started GRUNTING. It was unnerving. NYC squirrels don’t give a fuuuuuck

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This is what I’m talking about. I feel like they’ve unionized or something 🤣🫣🐿️

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They really enjoy torturing my cats. They'll just sit on my fire escape and stare at my poor cats, who want to do a murder, and the squirrels are all "HA HA BITCH I KNOW YOU CAN'T GET ME".

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I love how this story weaves. The refrain of “but that’s not part of this story.” Those familiar 70s touchstones of Iron Eyes Cody, Smokey the Bear, and Mr. Rogers. And an innocent little girl beginning to lose her innocence to this hard, scary, magnificent world full of broken childhood friends and split-up families, and confused, deranged, magical squirrels. Such a great story, Ally!

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Thank you so much, Paulla. I had a lot of fun with this once I knew where I was going (and/or not going, lol)

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I love a person that marks time with squirrel stories. It seems so trivial and yet...not. Thank you for sharing these squirrels and Riverside Park and Matty and the general fucked-updedness that makes us want more for squirrel stories.

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Oh, Jess, thank you for this. I just teared up. And thank you for being here to meet the squirrels and Matty and leave comments like this, I so appreciate it. Here’s to hoping the world becomes less harsh for all of us. Until then, squirrels 🤍🐿️

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Amen sista. Until then…squirrels.

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Oh Ally, I loved what this story was about as much as I loved what it was not about, and of course a squirrel would jump on you and make you special and then dispatch a disturbed squirrel to the future to give you attitude. I love all the swirly flavors in this ice cream story cone. 🍦 🐿️❤️

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Eileen, why are you so great? You’re like all the flavors of ice cream in one person. And I’m so happy you enjoyed this. It’s been a rough week but somehow going back to kindergarten for a little while helped ❤️ Hugs, love and ice cream xx

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There’s always ice cream when you time travel!!!!

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We “talked” yesterday about one of the challenges (hope your dog is doing better)… this beautiful piece reminds me how resilient you—and most of us—are. Life is made up of so many wonderful, beautiful (and also plenty of awful) things—almost all out of our control. Thankfully, we have friends, families, and our pets to double the blessings… and halve the sorrows with. I appreciate you selflessly sharing so much of yourself with us. 🫂 Hugs your way…

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The older I get the less I’m surprised when things don’t go according to plan. And I’ve sort of gotten to the point where I am more curious and less reactive when things happen that I didn’t want to happen, or when I feel things I didn’t expect to feel, or when I have no clue at all what’s coming around the corner. And more aware that everything is fragile and therefore precious, and I don’t have any time to waste making sure the people I love know that I love them. But some days none of that is true and I just grieve for all of it. I guess I’d rather love my heart out and hold nothing back and pay the price, than suffer in advance. Or something. I shouldn’t reply on a Friday when I’m utterly exhausted and possibly making no sense but I loved your comments and here we are ❤️

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Just like this piece itself, your reply is beautiful, Ally. It’s all beautiful… sometimes very hard, but all beautiful.

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Yes to so many things in this piece. And especially yes to NOT unnecessarily idling your car. Why do so many people keep doing that? Why does nobody (besides you) even ever mentions it? It's not good for the environment or your car and it wastes gas.

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Yeah, it’s one of my pet peeves. I think people forget, maybe they’re in the lull of driving and pull up and just don’t think about it. But it would be great if we could start a movement :)

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This was time travel back to my childhood and a grounding for today and I just loved both. Also, squirrels have been freaking me out just a little bit lately. Glad to know it's not just me.

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I love time travel, I have to say. And there were some parts of the 70’s that were so good, or at least they feel that way now. And yeah…what is up with the squirrels lately? It feels like they’re more aggressive and less afraid, which is not a combo I’m digging! Lol

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The photo of the 91st Street Garden is mine. You did not ask permission to use my photo. You are violating the copyright. Please remove this image.

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Oh Tracy, I'm so sorry. I removed it and replaced it. I linked to your fantastic piece about the garden in the body of my essay, and meant to add the photo credit in the caption underneath your picture. But I should have asked if you were okay with me linking to your piece and using your photo in the first place. I'm so sorry.

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