As a Canadian, there’s not as much that I can do. However, I’m standing in solidarity with every American who’s fearful, demoralized, and devastated. I'm providing emotional support to my own friends and family there. And I agree with what you said here, so I’m re-stacking.

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Thank you so much, Heather. So many of us tried so hard to avoid a round 2 with this awful, unfit, irredeemable man. And this time he’s surrounded himself with a terrifying crew. Thank you for your kindness and support. It’s a horrible thing to see people come and trash your government, desecrate the Constitution, run roughshod over every value you hold dear, make you and all your friends feel unsafe in your own country, and somehow convince way too many of your friends and family that it’s all terrific. I hold my head, Heather. But I appreciate you so much. Thank you for being here, and thank you for sharing ❤️🇨🇦

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Always here for you. 🇨🇦

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thank you for realizing there are many many Americans who are about to have a stroke watching this happen.

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Seriously, Mary Lou 😩😩

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Beautiful essay. You were able to express in words how I feel. I stand with you!

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Thank you so much, Linda. I barely slept last night, this is all so unbelievable. Not sleeping seems to be my new thing, sigh. I appreciate your kind words, and I’m so grateful you’re here ❤️

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Someone here on the Stack recently posted an updated version of "First They Came" that was to the point..."First they came for the Communists, and I did speak up because I read the goddamn poem the first time and I remember how it ends". That's where my head is at. So many don't believe it will never get to them and then will wonder how it all happened.

Excellent post as always. I'm of a mind that setting aside a bit of time to send emails, make phone calls, and share resources with others makes it less crushing. Considering part of my admin...brush teeth, check email, fight hostile takeover. And repeat. Thanks for being a strong and clear voice amongst the noise. xoxo

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I’m of the same mind, clearly :) About to have coffee and make some calls, though I haven’t admit the form letter email responses are not satisfying. Nonetheless, if we’re all doing it then they know we are engaged and watching so, yes. What I’d like to do is head to Washington.

And haha, I think I saw that updated version of “First they came” and chuckled, though it isn’t funny. I guess I must be made of some kind of teflon somewhere because I still find it shocking that there seems to be no bottom with his supporters. The majority of them, anyway. We’re just a bunch of pansy ass woke crybaby liberals trying to do our woke things like give a shit about the Constitution, the rule of law, democracy, human rights…aw fuck it, why am I telling you? You already know. Love you ♥️

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I often find myself stating obvious things over and over because there's a big "Is this thing on?" element to all this...

With all of appointments lately I've been routinely asked "Are you depressed?" and I want to say "Well, yes, at an appropriate level for these circumstances. Are you not depressed? Are you a cyborg?" But then I just tell them I'm fine.

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I almost called this essay “Is This Thing On?” Lol. Probably should have.

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Hi Ally, thanks for another great post. I don't really have much to say, I recently spoke with a friend in California and we both concluded that we're just tired to the bone. But despite that, I will do my best to keep calm and carry on.

As always, wishing you and your family and every good person trying their best peace and strength and hope. I hope we will all endure this, though I worry about damage that seems inevitable.

Namaste 🙏❤️

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Chop wood, carry water, take rests. I think we forget about that third one, or maybe we need an addendum:) Take care of yourself, sending love 🤍

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It is so hard to stay engaged and sane in this never-ending shitstorm. Contacting my ‘representatives’ in a red state makes me feel even more helpless, because if they do respond (most don’t bother) they respond like this:

“Thank you for contacting me. I have received your message, and I will review and consider it in a timely fashion. I value your thoughts and appreciate your willingness to share them.

Sincerely, Bill Hagerty, U.S. Senator for Tennessee”

-- Can’t you just hear them howling in the background? They don’t give it shit, and they like to rub it in. The TN legislature just proposed a bill threatening a Class E felony charge and removal from office for individual officials who support ‘sanctuary city’ policies (i.e. any kind of resistance to mass deportations), including THROUGH THEIR VOTES. To which our blessedly blue Nashville Metro Council’s Immigrant Caucus responded: “See you in court.” Sadly, that’s the only way to fight these fuckers in red states.

Which doesn't mean individuals are entirely without agency. Personally, I'm considering creating a 'sanctuary space' in my basement.

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Yes it is hard, I so feel that. Honestly if I hadn’t had a decent experience with a couple of extended family members I don’t think I could even make the suggestion that anyone try. But they really had no clue what was going on, and they really were not pleased. Am I beyond pissed they voted for this horrible administration in the first place even though I gave them every reason under the sun not to, and it didn’t matter? Yep. And does it piss me off even further that the only reason they gave a shit is because this affected them, personally, (and also some vague idea they want to to maintain about their own “patriotism”), I guess I was/am desperate enough and scared enough to make that call anyway.

But honestly, I go up and down all day. Some moments I’m like, it’s too late, they already took our stuff,

it’s on the flash drives, his supporters are still with him all the way, and the only smidgen of hope lies with the courts. And other times I think, I dunno, maybe we’ll keep our heads down and keep each other safe and fight the good fight and get through this and still have something that resembles a democracy at the end.

But mostly I think there are too many people here who are incredibly selfish and not very bright. Or incredibly selfish and also fucking heartless. Shit. I said it. Or too many people living in a dream world and engaging enough cognitive dissonance and mental contortions and magical thinking to get through the day and never have to face themselves. So I dunno. But at least there’s your basement if it all goes to shit, right? Love you.

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Oh, the emotional roller coaster. Let me off!

This is a jaded take, but I seriously think there *are* a lot of selfish, heartless, ignorant people out there. They live in a bubble, mentally and physically, and I'm convinced they don't think too hard about anything. Like men who decry "government interference" but don't understand how that term can be applied to women's health because politicians are calling the shots about how we can handle our reproductive care. Let's talk about censorship as it relates to women having a say in our own rights. And as if what Musk is doing right now is not government interference. The guy makes cars and rockets, and he's rooting around the Treasury? With what credentials? The same people supporting this condemned Hillary for sending email over a private server, but this is OK? The cognitive dissonance is real, and the examples are endless. Common sense is dead, I fear.

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Common sense and decency in many cases. Willful ignorance and intentional obtuse hypocrisy. This woman who took my yoga class for years telling me my take on DEI is coming from my middle class white woman brainwashed bubble and buying into the woke democrat bs, and she knows this because her family are immigrants and her dad worked three jobs and they came here the “right way” and she worked her way through school. And no one deserves a handout, everyone should do it the “right way” and my ideas are theoretical but hers are from real world experience. And in the real world, all immigrants have the exact same experience coming here, and apparently it makes no difference if you’re “white passing” and it makes no difference if you marry a super rich guy and say these things from the comfort of your huge home where you don’t worry about health insurance or how to pay for college for your kids, or anything else. But wtf would I know, I’ve had it easy and all my ideas are theoretical. And apparently the Civil Rights Anti Discrimination Laws are all any of us need! It’s like the people who paid off their student loans and were pissed when other people had theirs forgiven. I paid mine off and I was fucking THRILLED for people. Whatever. We will exhaust ourselves if we tussle too much with these folks.

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Oh, dear. Anti-"woke" is just a synonym for racist and entitled. But who am I casting stones at the entitled when I'm entitled myself? As soon as I become marginally knowledgable on any topic I hate everyone who isn't. I once took an excessive amount of styrofoam containers back to a take-out place and accused the poor, hard-working immigrant owner of being "environmentally irresponsible". Still makes me want to puke remembering his apologies... Unexamined self-righteousness (as with your yoga bitch) is never a good idea.

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100 %. It's a giant grift is what I think, and Elon's crowd has learned from Goebbels that if you repeat lies often and loud enough you will be believed by the lazy and the gullible. so scary.

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Love yo right back, Ally Hamilton. And thanks for letting me rant. Selfish, not bright and fucking heartless sounds about right. :-(

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Sometimes ranting is self care

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