Come As You Are
Come As You Are Podcast
Orbital Motion

Orbital Motion

This is a talk about making friends with uncertainty. There’s no easy way to ride this ride if you can’t accept that part of being human is being vulnerable. Loving people means you are opening your heart as wide as it will go, knowing that you don’t know all the parameters. You don’t know how long you have, or how long anyone else has here on this spinning planet. Grief is baked into the mix, along with change, loss, and and the understanding that everything is always in flux. Learning to hold things loosely - ideas, plans, and even the people we love most in this world - is a gift life will teach you the easy way or the hard way. This is also a talk about the pain and repercussions of unexpressed emotion, the havoc it can wreak on your physical and emotional well-being when you don’t feel free to express yourself, and the relief that comes when you let things flow.

Thanks for reading and listening to Come As You Are! I appreciate your comments and shares so much, and I love being in conversation with you.


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Come As You Are
Come As You Are Podcast
How much do childhood wounds shape who we become? What does it mean to heal? How can you be a deeply feeling person in this world and not lose your mind? We'll get into all of that and more. Thanks for spending some time with me.
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Ally Hamilton