I’m scared and heartbroken by the whole entire disaster. Republicans who don't like him but shrug it off are bad enough but my husband who is liberal and a girl-dad seems so a annoyed when I voice my concerns. He keeps downplaying everything and saying that we will be fine. “We’re not the ones who need to worry” and that infuriates me. Nobody should be mistreated like this. 😡

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I think a lot of people are having a hard time wrapping their heads around how scary this is, and what is actually happening. And yeah, I think being alarmed, heartbroken, and outraged for everyone who is in jeopardy is a sane response.

I think the people who voted for this are entrenched, and they are in an entirely different media bubble if they consume media at all. Plus it’s very hard to admit you were wrong, especially when it was obvious you were wrong - and millions of people loudly told you every day that supporting people who said and did these things could never end well - and you did it, anyway. That can’t be easy.

Nonetheless, I feel certain if Harris/Walz had won and started doing things that violated the Constitution and eroded our checks and balances, and alienated our Allies and appointed a billionaire and a bunch of kids to run around government agencies wreaking havoc, I would not be telling my R friends to relax lol/ffs.

Sending you love and hugs.

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100% I wouldn't say a word about it to them.

I’ve long noticed that the right tends to much louder about their views.

We have neighbors who are a very nice family. When they first moved here, I liked them so much. I won't say that I don't like them now but I don't know how to be around them right now because they've been so outspoken about their views. Last fall, my ten-year-old (who is close with their 9 & 10 yr old girls) went on a bike ride with them and said every time they passed a Harris/Walz sign, their dad kept making comments about how disgusted he was that he keeps seeing them. Which is ridiculous because around here the Trump signs outnumbered the Harris signs greatly. We are directly across the street from them and had a Harris sign and our child was with them. Do the math, it was a calculated message if you ask me. Anyway, she came home and told me about it. I told her not to get into it, not to discuss it at all with them. She said not long after that one of the girls asked who she was voting for. She said “I don't vote.” The girl got upset with her and told her “You know what I mean, who are your parents voting for”. My daughter said she didn't know. She called her a liar and pointed out the fact that we have a Harris sign in our yard. She told my daughter that Kamala Harris “kills babies”😡🤦🏽‍♀️

My sensitive girl was in tears. If we didn't know them better, I’d have told her not to hang out with them anymore but up until then election, we had a great relationship with them. The wife and I had been really close. So I texted her and told her what happened and just said that we don't discuss politics with our kids and said that my daughter was really upset. They both texted long and sincere apologies and their daughter apologized to ours. Things have been fine since, but it crushes me to know that their child didn't come up with that on her own. She heard it from them. I genuinely want to love everyone. But its so hard right now.💔

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My dreams are also terrible. There’s never a break from the evil. I think of how much progress has been undone and what it would take to get back on track, perhaps even propose some improvements to be made and for the first time recently I’m not sure I will see it in my lifetime.

Thank you for chronicling the mess, it needs to be out there for those who may experience buyer’s remorse over their vote. We must never stop putting it out there, regardless of how hard it is. You are a resilient rebel, Ally. ♥️

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I never thought I’d see anything like this in my lifetime, Eileen. And I feel so worried for my kids, and everyone’s kids. And all of us. I really do move from despair to rage multiple times a day. I’m not giving up, but I really do wonder what it’s going to take. And I’m so grateful for you, and everyone here. Sending you so much love ♥️

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This has become a bit of a sanctuary, right? I just read that someone's approval rating is the highest it has ever been and I thought "I gotta go find some sanity over at the Stack". Thanks for being a loving voice. xo

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Definitely a sanctuary. I run here several times a day these days, because of all the places, this is the one where the sane and compassionate people seem to be congregating. Or coming up for air. Or reassuring each other. It’s all life-giving stuff at the moment and I’m so grateful. I met you here after all 🥹🙏🏼

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You sure did, #100. We're going to get through this shit. 💪🏽💩

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I'm too heartbroken to have anything intelligent to say, but I did feel a touch of comfort when I read the name "Kate" and knew exactly who you meant. Then I read her post and. . .well I just wish I could hug you two. <3

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I would be so down for a group hug right now. Wish we all lived closer. I guess hugs through the interwebs will have to do for now. Just knowing y’all are out there helps so much ❤️❤️‍🩹

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Thanks Ally. I woke up this morning thinking "adapt or die". Not sure what I dreamt about. It wasn't my adaptation though. I was thinking that all the ugliness that is happening right now is the last stand of the ones who refuse to let go of their hate, their jealousy, their belief in their intrinsic superiority based on their skin color. They have resisted change at every step, and they will not succeed in dragging us back to feudal life.

I think it's time to give up on the kombucha drinkers. Anyone who can remain calm and complacent when a young man is viciously murdered, or a sixth grader is bullied to suicide by her peers, or immigrants are deported in shackles because of ginned up intolerance doesn't deserve the benefit of doubt.

I don't know what lies ahead for us, but I won't give up until the Neanderthals among us are quelled.

Take care, and safe travels.

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I think this is where I am as well. I know there are these supposed videos of his supporters regretting their votes (I have been studiously avoiding news programs and only reading because I can’t stand the sound of his voice), but I haven’t seen much evidence. I saw a clip of school teacher whose budget was going to be cut, and a farmer. Other than that, I just see people staunchly and smugly sticking with him, and at this point? Not much I can say.

Anyone who is okay with people being treated like this is not someone I want in my life. And to sort of pretend you’re unaware of what’s happening as if that exonerates you? Uh, no. You’d have to live under a rock, or truly be living the off-grid life to not know. So…yeah. Kombucha Neanderthals can move right along. We have too much work to do trying to somehow some way save democracy.

I’m very glad you’re here, though. Not sure what I’d do without y’all, but it wouldn’t be pretty 😬 Big hugs and lots of love x

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Thank you for saying all the true things. With you in not being okay. None of this is okay. Appreciate you.

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Thank you so much, Liz. Lately I *really* sweat it before I hit publish. Just existing feels vulnerable. So I appreciate this very much. And I’m happy and grateful you’re here 🤍

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Hi Ally, I totally agree with you here. Recently I've seen a couple of my friends on Facebook posting things related to Slovakia and Ukraine and Trump in a way that suggests that Trump and Putin will finally bring peace and honestly, the voters you have there, living in completely different bubble, we have them too!

We also voted back a liar and a thief and even though on much lesser scale, we massively fucked up.

I've seen it mentioned many times, we don't allow under 18 vote yet dumbasses can. It's really stupid that votes from educated caring individuals count as much as votes from uncaring people. I know it's pointless to point out weaknesses of system now, but unfortunately I think most people are "stupid". I know that sounds harsh and cruel even, but I stand by it.

I really don't know how to navigate this. I personally feel that we're at the end of some pyramid scheme and I guess world and people have always been cruel, literally that's how we took resources from other tribes in the past right? So perhaps I was naive thinking somehow we can evolve beyond that. I actually don't think we can. And that's for me the saddest thing. Accepting who we are as species.

Either way, I'm still grateful for you and your writing. Sorry if I sounded depressed and hollow. Still wishing you and your family all the best 🙏❤️


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There are a lot of people who sound depressed and hollow right now. I think it’s a sane response. I careen between despair, sorrow, and outrage. It does help to take action, and in-person action helps the most. I’m trying to do some of that every day, even if they’re small things like helping a neighbor or going to a town hall meeting, which I did last week.

Sometimes I feel hope, people are protesting and trying to fight back, and that’s a real thing. And sometimes I feel like we are very late and it’s all so precarious now. It’s hard to exist and have a regular day when nothing makes sense. But we’ve been through terrible times before and they usually bring out the fight and the best in us. So, holding onto hope even by a thread feels important, and feeling all the other feelings is part of the gig right now, no doubt. And yes, there are a lot of susceptible people. But there are a lot of very smart people, too. I guess we shall see what happens. In the meantime, I’m glad you’re here. Love to you and Anneke 🤍

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I have to fork over money to the federal government right now and I know BigBalls is gonna use it on cam girls. I AM SO OVER THIS FUCKING BULLSHIT.

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We really did exchange almost identical comments at almost the exact same time haha. Or sob.

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I had this same what if Kamala had won conversation with someone, except it wasn’t Melinda. It was Oprah. Now that I write that out, how about we throw in Mackenzie and let the 3 of them have at it. They could get some SHIT DONE.

I’ve been in a hole all week. I’ve gotten and appreciate your voice mails and texts, and I so appreciate knowing you’re there. I’m here too, btw. I’m starting to crawl out. I never stay down, but I do sometimes need 72- 96 hours to catch my breath after being punched repeatedly in the solar plexus by my country. It used to be just 24-48 but well, you know…coups and corrupt billionaires, trans kids being tortured, slaughtered and facing extermination, and the deafening silence from the white privileged folks— I need an extra day or 2.

Thanks for writing all of this, Ally. You’re brilliant and I’m so glad you’re on our side. xo

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I totally get it. I know you’re there, I’m here, too. I wish we lived closer, but that’s nothing new. My heart hurts for all of us, this is ridiculous and enraging and wrong. I want to scream into the abyss for all the kids, too. They deserve so much better. We all do. And yes, there are a LOT of women I’d like to put in charge.

I love you ❤️ talk soon x

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I enjoyed your writing. Enjoy Croatia 🇭🇷

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Thanks so much, Jeanne. And yes, I am really looking forward to it 🇭🇷♥️

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